Liquid Blue | 2021

| 71x25 |

Handgeformter Kunststoff
Hand formed plastic
“Alles ist in Bewegung, nichts bleibt stehen“.
Die Objekte sind inspiriert von den Lichtreflexionen der Verkehrslichter, Werbetafeln & Laternen in der Spree.

"Everything is in motion, nothing stands still".
The objects are inspired by street lights, billboards and street lanterns reflected in the River Spree, in Berlin. 

                                                                     Liquid Green | 2021

                                                                    | 73x26|
                                                                            Handgeformter Kunststoff

                                                                       Hand formed plastic

                                                                    collection junge Kunst Savecall GMBH
Liquid Red | 2021

| 82x26|
Handgeformter Kunststoff
Hand formed plastic

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